Common Flies Found In and Around Schools

Common Name Scientific Name Description Sources of Infestation
House Fly Musca domestica medium-sized, gray; 4 stripes on thorax garbage, human and animal manure
Dump Flies Ophyra spp. medium-sized; black mixed garbage, bird feces; in the Pacific Northwest, sometimes replaces the house fly as the main indoor pest
Black Blow Fly Phormia regina large; dark blue garbage, animal carcasses; most abundant in early spring
Green Bottle Fly Phaenicia sericata medium-sized; shiny green to bronze garbage containing mixtures of animal and vegetable matter, dead animals, fresh meat; enters buildings less frequently than house flies
Blue Bottle Flies Cynomyopsis cadaverina, Calliphora spp. medium-sized; thorax dull, abdomen metallic blue exposed meat, feces, overripe fruit and other decaying vegetable matter; enters buildings in cool seasons
Little House Fly Fannia canicularis small, dull gray, yellow on upper abdomen; males circle in the air decaying vegetable and animals matter, especially the manure of humans, horses, cows, poultry, and dogs; also piled, moist, grass clippings
Cluster Fly Pollenia rudis larger than house fly; dark gray with distinctive yellow hairs; adults sluggish larvae parasitic on earthworms; adults enter houses in fall
Fruit Flies Drosophila spp. very small; yellow-brown fermenting fruit and vegetables, other moist organic matter
Phorid Fly (Drain Fly) Megaselia scalaris similar to fruit fly, but more humpbacked in appearance decomposing organic matter including vegetables, fruit, flesh, feces